Monday, August 18, 2008


Just a little promo I thought I'd throw out there... Welcome my boy Raj Smuve to the crew. Doods a BEAST. Montage #3 is halfway done, so don't trippppp.

"Let's GOOOOO!!!!"

Sunday, August 17, 2008

As Promised

Some photography.... well.. more like another Tony spotlight.

So like... yea this kid is hella pro he can back tail now. Don't fuck w/ him..... Montage 3 in a couple more weeks.

Tony says: "Hey... I'm in Wurd2u2... Check me out mamas."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, it turns out my laptop is ruined at the moment and I lost some work for the new montage... I'm making up for what was lost right now... LUCKILY, we have backups of the footage so nothing was lost... just some editing was lost.

Alsooooooooooo, expect 5 skate photos weekly as we will include those in our blog posts, courtesy of Boris..... errr.. i mean. Savage Slovakia........ ok, just Savage.

Next week, I work morning shifts so I'll have the afternoon to spend dedicating to filming so we can get this montage on the roll. Expect it as a "Back2School" gift. Later peeps!!!

In the mean time...... Guys.... Tonyrae is a free agent... If you bend that way, make sure you holla at him.