wat up chooki i got 2 questions is wurd2u2 done..............and do u ride for society
The answer to the first question is... NO, we are NOT "done." Far from it. Like I've stated before... we have "future productions" in mind, but we have technical issues we need to settle. Me, Farrel (or Savage I guess), and Jimmy Bean have been brainstorming to put together a 30 - 40 minute video, but the crew & vx2k1's availability is limited. We have a new CanonHV30 High Def. camcorder, but no fisheye for it and we are most certainly not looking to film a full length video using that camera. If all fails, we'll release HD montages in the mean time.
And for the second question, Yes. I now ride for the brand new company Society Skateboards. There is also some things I'd like to put out there...
NO, I can't hook you up. Not because I'm greedy, simply because I just can't. Yes, Society plans on putting together a full length video entitled: "Surface." And I'm not quite sure but I believe the video is set to release Summer of '09. I'd like to take this moment to thank DayDay, Kendall, Tyler, and of course Jim for making this possible. BIG UPS!
In the mean time, sit tight, show some love and reminisce on the old flicks.. I'll post entries in response to questions in my inbox... only if they are worth answering on the site. PEACE!